I worked off and on all day on The Rose Garden – If I want to I can still add a red border to it and have enough left for the red binding but I have grown tired of working on it right now LOL so it is folded up now and put away to […]
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And it will be the same three for another day or two – and then the Rose Garden will be done and I will see what is next. Yesterday it rained and rained so I was at the machine and I have half of the last border finished. I really have no idea if I […]
read moreFinally on to the last border except I did nothing on it yesterday but get it pinned on the wall – the red border is up there in three pieces and will get stitched maybe today and pinned in place and start the patchwork. If I really get busy on it I can finish it […]
read moreRose Garden is nearing an end – would you believe I actually started this one back in 2021!! The center blocks were done and so many mistakes I just put it away and didn’t want to look at it – finally it will be done not as it was to be but that is ok […]
read moreI just can’t work on one – it would be too boring. I’m not sure what will be next after I get the Rose Garden off the wall – part of one border left to do and one full border piece after that. I have been pressing as I go so it will just get […]
read moreOne row pieced on this section of Noriko’s Star a lot more left to do. For some reason some of you think this quilt is just about done and will be soon – no, no it isn’t. Each of these sections take me an average of probably close to six weeks or more to make […]
read moreSo that border is now done – there wasn’t that much to add to it but it was long and bulky to work with . Now it is up on the wall with the cornerstones in place and me thinking do I want that extra block in the middle top and bottom or not – […]
read moreNoriko’s Star is ready to advance once again onto the big flannel board for the layout of the next section. I finished the tin of hexies thread basting yesterday. It always feels good to get this amount ready for the long rows to stitch – especially knowing after this one is done there are only […]
read moreBut I just didn’t get around to it!! I will never get done with the Rose Garden if I don’t get myself in gear and move on it. No excuse for not much done yesterday other than I didn’t sleep well, I had an appointment that was running very late, a quick stop at Wal-Mart […]
read moreFor some reason not a lot got accomplished yesterday – maybe because it got up to 74 degrees? I sat out on the porch for awhile in the afternoon and read a book and drank a coke. I trimmed off a couple plants and pulled some long dried up stalks from last summers flowers. And […]
read moreI’m looking forward to quilting that will come soon when I get to the very pretty NYB blocks – but first some more crosshatch work. On Tuesday night this area was finished and ready to roll down. When I rolled it down this is when the very pretty colorful stuff comes into view – although […]
read moreTwenty degrees difference in a day- 58 instead of 78 and cloudy all day – I was inside sewing, no errands to run – today is different — a dentist appointment for another crown. I doubt any sewing will get done this afternoon. I had this lined up last year when I had 3 crowns […]
read moreYesterday believe it or not it got up to 78 degrees – as I was writing this last night it was still 68 degrees at almost 8 PM!! I had an acupuncture treatment at 11 and when I got home around noon it was nice enough that if it wasn’t so breezy I would have […]
read moreI decided on going large on the quilt – it just looked too narrow to me. I have some more fabric I can cut up into squares and I have some fabric in the kit still to go through. I can purchase a little on line of the fabric line if needed to finish […]
read moreI have not decided how I am going to finish this quilt off yet so I posted two versions for me so I can keep track of how it looks – but more patchwork is done. I’m estimating right now – rough measurements for this version would be about 72 x 96 depends on finishing […]
read moreMore progress made and decisions to be made on it. The top and bottom patchwork was added and when I put it on the wall to get a photo – afterwards I realized I had put the cornerstones in the wrong area. They were not planned to be outside the patchwork area as that would […]
read moreI will say another time for those that keep asking for the pattern — The Rose Garden is MY name for this quilt. The original pattern was called “La Rosaraie” and I don’t know where you can get it anymore I haven’t looked to see. I got it when it was offered as a kit […]
read moreIt seems like my normal routine for any day of the week is piecing and quilting – what to use for a title of a post? It becomes difficult to use something different. I started to work on the other long side of the Rose Garden – for me working with patchwork I seem to […]
read moreOne patchwork border is now done and attached – I was going to just pin it to the design wall but then went ahead and pressed it really well and sewed it on. Next up will be the bottom border and then the sides which will have the cornerstones attached to the ends. The skinny […]
read moreI was busy cutting squares in the morning and then sewing in the afternoon and pleased that the first border is almost done on the Rose Garden. All the patchwork will just be pinned to the wall and then I will sew all the borders on one after another in a couple weeks when I […]
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